Human Physiology (Biol 236)
Exam Outline

Chapter 15 & 16 Outline (Reproductive Physiology) updated Nov 27, 2023. We will NOT cover contraception and STDs due to time limitation this semester.
Know basic male reproductive anatomy:
- testes (including seminiferous tubules and the cells within - spermatogonia, sertoli cells and leydig cells).
- epididymis
- cremaster muscle
- spermatic cord
- inguinal ring
- 3 tubes for sperm transport (vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra)
- 3 secretory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral gland)
- penis (including corpus cavernosa & corpus spongiosum)
• What is priapism?
• What is BPH?
• What is PSA? What is it's significance with respect to prostate cancer?
What is the BRCA gene mutation, and how does it increase risk for prostate cancer?
• Understand the physiology of an erection, including the role of nitric oxide (NO), and cGMP.
• What is phosphodiesterase and what is a phosphodiesterase-inibitor?
• Understand the process of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in testes and ovaries, respectively. When are sperm cells diploid (2n) versus haploid (1n)? What about the egg (oocyte)?
• Understand the process of steroidogenesis (for both males and females), inlcuding the negative feedback inhibition of these sex hormones and even inhibin.
• Based on the negative feedback of high blood levels of sex steroids (like testotsterone, estrogen, and progesterone) and their inhibition of hypothalamic GnRH and pituitary LH and FSH, how does hormonal contraception work???

Know basic female reproductive anatomy:
- ovaries (including follicles and the egg contained within). When are egg cells diploid (2n) versus haploid (1n)? What stage of development is an egg (and the follicle that contains that egg) at the point of ovulation?
- uterus & cervix
- uterus layers of the endometrium and myometrium - and what hormones the endometrium and myometrium respond to.
- fallopian tubes
- external genitalia (clitoris, labia major & labia minor)
- the vestibule
- What can the endometrium do in response to prostaglandin?
- What does the endometrium do in response to progesterone from the corpus luteum?
• What is endometriosis?
• What are uterine fibroids?
• What is an episiotomy?
• What is a PAP smear?
• What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?
• HPV and the HPV vaccine.
• What is mittleshmertz?
• What is an "ecotopic pregnancy"? Why is it ALWAYS unviable for an embryo and possibly fatal to the mother?
• In a woman's 28-day cycle, when do eggs develop, when does ovulation occur (day 14), and when does the uterus thicken (15-28) in response to corpus luteum produce progesterone?
• What does the graafian follicle become after ovulation? What does it do?
• What happens if the ovulated secondary oocyte is fertilized? (i.e. what does a developing embryo secrete to "rescue" the corpus luteum from destruction?)
• What happens if the ovulated secondary oocyte is not fertilized? (what happens to the corpus luteum and progesterone production when the corpus luteum dies, and what produces prostaglandin to cause uterine contractions by day 28 to cause menstruation?)
• Be able to list some factors that can increase or decrease risk for developing ovarian cancer.
• What is the BRCA gene? What is the significance of a mutation in the BRCA1 and 2 gene, for increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer?
• What is the CA-125 test?

Clinical Apps and additional reading:
Prostate cancer and BPH
Erectile dysfunction and how ED drugs affect cGMP and penile blood flow
Hormonal birth control
hCG and pregnancy tests

Uterine fibroids

Contraception and STDs
1. Abstinence
2. Avoidance: cervical mucus, body temp, and calendar methods, & coitus interuptus
3. Barrier methods: male & female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap
4. Spermicides
5. "Permanent" methods: vasectomy & tubaligation
6. Hormonal birth control:
• How does the hormonal pill work? (know the 28-day pill, versus seasonalle, & Anya
• Hormonal injection (depo-provera)
• Hormonal implants (Implanon, Nexplanon)
• Hormonal patch (Ortho Evra) (use new patch each week for 3 weeks, then go patchless for a week)
• Hormonal ring (Nuvaring) - use active ring for 3 weeks, then go without ring for 1 week.
• How does the hormonal IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla) work versus the copper IUD (Paragard)?
• How does the "morning after pill" [Plan B (levanorgestrel)OR Ella (ulipristal acetate)] work?
Abortion pill
• How does RU-486 (mifepristone) work? What is cytotec (miaoprostol) used for?

Male Birth Control

• Vasalgel

Reproductive STDs:
• Bacterial STDs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis) - be able to match the bacteria name with the diseaes it causes.
• Viral STDs (HPV, HIV, Herpes)
• Non viral or bacterial STDs (trichomoniasis, jock itch, yeast infection, pubic lice)
• Based on the pyramid of STD incidence in the USA, how are these STDs ranked from more common to least common?

Written by Tamatha Barbeau, 2004. This web site is for educational purposes; if you own an image on this site and would like it removed or used with permission, or if you have comments, corrections, or suggestions, please contact me.