Human Physiology (Biol 236) Scores - Fall 2024
To cacluate your grade from a % score: Add up all the points you have earned, and divide that by the total        899.5 - 1000 pts (or 90 - 100%) = A
possible points, and then multiply that value by 100%. Then consult the grading scale shown at the right to        849.5 - 899.4 pts  (or 85 - 89%) =  B+
find your grade.                              799.5 - 849.4 pts (or 80 - 85%) =  B
Also note the following:                           749.5 - 799.4 pts (or 75 - 79%) = C+
If your percent score is, for example, an 89%, that DOES NOT mean that you were only 1 point away from a 90%.      699.5 - 749.4 pts (or 70 - 75%) =  C
These are percent scores, and that 1% actually is 10 actual points away from a 90%. So each 1% score equates to      649.5 - 699.4 pts (or 65 - 69%) =  D+
10 actual points. Also, standard Excel rounding rules will apply to final actual points.  For example, if you have     599.5 - 649.4 pts (or 60 - 65%) =  D
and 894 points, that becomes an 89.4%, which is a B+. To get an A the score would have to be 899.5 points, and      599.4 or less pts (or less than 60%) = F
that would round up to 900 pts. There will be no exception to this standard rounding rule. After final scores      
and percent scores are tallied, there will be no bonus points or extra credit assignments given. There were       
already plenty of extra points offered throughout the semester. This is the rule for fairness for all.         
  Q1 Q2 Q3 E1 E2 E3 E4 LQ1 LQ2 LQ3 LQ4 LQ5 LQ6 CS LR1 LR2 Bonus Total
i.d. 50 50 50 150 150 150 150 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 3 1000