Biology of Sex (Bio 213)
Exam 2 Outline

Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology
• Know external genitals: scrotum, foreskin (or prepuce)
Know internal structures:
- cells of seminiferous tubules of testes (leydig cells, sertoli cells, and spermatogonia)
- testes, epididymis,
- sperm transport tubes (vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra)
- secretory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands - and what those glands produce)
- cremaster muscle
• What is cryptorchidism?
• What is circumcision?
• What is the process of steroidogenesis in males?
- hypothalamus secretes GnRH
- pituitary secretes FSH & LH (know that FSH stimulates sperm maturation, and LH causes leydig cells to make testosterone)
• Know the entire process of arousal and erection involving nitric oxide?
• What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?
- What are some ED treatments?
- How do the ED treatments (like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra) work?
- What are the surgical ED treatments (semirigid malleable rod and inflatable balloon)
• What is priapism?
• What is are the qualities of sperm (motility and shape) that allow fertility?
• What are some causes of male infertility? (Be able to answer as short answer question)
• What is benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)
• What are some ways to detect prostate cancer? (Know PSA blood test, and genetic BRCA test)
• What is andropause?

Female Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology

What are the external genitalia? (labia major and minor, clitoris)
What are the components of the uterus? [fallopian tubes, cervix, endometrium, & myometrium]
How does the uterus myometrium (muscle layer) respond to prostaglandin & oxytocin? (causes contractions of uterus)
What is an episiotomy? (controlled cut in the vagina & vestibule to prevent uncontrolled tearing during childbirth)
• What is a clitorectomy and infibulation?
What is endometriosis? (migration of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus)
What is an ectopic pregnancy? (implantation of embryo anyplace other than the uterus endometrium)
What is a PAP smear? (used to detect abnormal cells, and possibly cancer, of the cervix)
What is HPV? (Human Papilloma Virus - infects half of all sexually active adults)

Know the maturation process of oogenesis

- FSH from pituitary stimulates egg (and follicle) maturation.
- A secondary oocyte (1n) within a Graafian follicle is what is ovulated (due to pituitary LH stimulation).
- the Graafian follicle remains behind within the ovary to become a corpus luteum, secreting progesterone.
What is mittelshmertz? (pain felt with ovulation)

If the ovulated egg is NOT fertilized:
- what happens to the corpus luteum by day 28 of the menstrual cycle? (it dies and stops making progesterone, causing the endometrial lining of the uterus to break down)
- what does the endometrium secrete that causes menstrual cramps to expel menstrual tissue and blood? (prostaglandin)

IF the ovulated egg IS fertilized?
- what does the developing embryo secrete that "rescues" the corpus luteum? (hCG)

In a 28-day menstrual cycle:

- When is the egg developing in the ovary (days 1 -13)
- When is the egg ovulated? (day 14)
- When is the corpus luteum making progesterone? (days 15 - 28)
- When is menstruation? (days 1-5)
- what is the function of prostaglandin (secreted by uterus endometrium) - stimulate menstrual cramps to expel blood and tissue during period

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?v (multiple fluid filled follicles form, causing pain and damage to the ovary)
What are some things that increase risk for ovarian cancer? (Be able to list some for a short answer question)
What are some things that decrease risk for ovarian cancer? (Be able to list some for a short answer question)
How does a mutation in the BRCA-1 gene increase risk for breast and ovarian cancer?
What is the CA-125 test? (Cancer antigen 125 levels that are high are associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer)
What is menopause?
What are some cause of female infertility? (Be able to list some for a short answer question)

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Written by Tamatha Barbeau, 2004. This web site is for educational purposes; if you own an image on this site and would like it removed or used with permission, or if you have comments, corrections, or suggestions, please contact me.