Date Converters
  Conversion from Gregorian to Ecliptic Notation
Input Section
Input the Date in Gregorian Notation:
Year, Month, Day, as numbers.

Output Section
The Same Day in Ecliptic Notation:
Age, Saturnium, Year, Month, Day.

  Conversion from Ecliptic to Gregorian Notation
Input Section
Input the Date in Ecliptic Notation as integers:
Age, Saturnium, Year, Month, Day.

Output Section
The Same Day in Gregorian Notation:
Year, Month, Day.

In Canonical Ecliptic Notation:
  Notes on the Use of this Page
  Scope of the Program
  • This program can convert dates from 1252 March 13 to 2164 March 19 C.E. from Gregorian notation to Ecliptic.
  • It can also convert dates any date from 03/49/01 Virgo 01 to 04/06/29 Cancer 30 to Gregorian notation.

Technical Notes on the Program
  • This program, written in Javascript, sets no cookies, pop-up windows, or other intrusions or annoyances.
  • Days on or before 1582 Oct 04 are in Julian notation; days on or after 1582 Oct 15 are in Gregorian notation. Due to the Gregorian reform of the calendar, there are no days between Oct 04 and Oct 15 in the year 1582.
  • Some idiosyncracies in the Javascript compiler are beyond what a programmer can deal with. For example, there have been occasions where the Javascript parses inputs of "03" as three, and "8" as eight, but "08" as zero.

On Canonical Ecliptic Notation
  • In the Gregorian Calendar, some years have a February 29 and some don't. For non-leap years, one may say that "February 29 = March 01", in that they are the same day. In such instances, "March 01" would be called the canonical form of the day February 29.
  • In the Ecliptic Calendar, there are four variable months, rather than only one. To accommodate this, the converter also converts to canonical form, for example for people in the Age of Aquarius whose birthdays fall on Leo 31.
  • The converter can definitely do routine conversions to canonical form such as converting Leo 31 to Virgo 01 when the month of Leo has only 30 days. It can convert yet further departures from normal notation to canonical form, though there is a limit to how "far out" a notation can go and the program still be able to find the canonical form for the day pointed to by the notation.