Teresa Kamman Herzog



  Class information is provided at links below. Following those links is information about letters of recommendation.

Motivation & Emotion

Brain & Behavior


Letters of Recommendation

If you would like me to write you a letter of recommendation, please read the information below first.

         1.     Be sure I'm the right person to recommend you.

If I am to write you a strong letter, we must have had experiences that let me know that you are mature, responsible, and enthusiastic attitude toward learning. In general, this means that you have worked with me as a TA or RA.

         2.     Provide me with information about the program/job to which you are applying.

I need to have a brief description of the types of graduate programs, jobs, or whatever it is you are applying for. At the very least, I need to know the exact name of the program (e.g. Experimental, Social Psychology, School Counseling, etc.) for each place you are applying.

         3.     Provide me with information about you.

        E-mail me a copy of your resume (which gives me activities you have participated in, honor societies, leadership roles, and any other accomplishments)  along with a completed summary sheet that is available at the link below

         4.     Provide me with all necessary forms.

If there are recommendation forms that I need to fill out, give them to me. Please fill out as much information as possible on these forms before giving them to me, including my information:

My name is: Dr. Teresa Herzog
My position/title is: Assistant Professor of Psychology