Tamatha Barbeau, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology

Coordinator: Pre-Veterinary Program
Coordinator: Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)

Human Physiology (Biol 236)

Human Anatomy (Biol 205)
Biology of Sex (Biol 213)
Senior Seminar (Biol 499)
Pre-Veterinary Program
PURE Program
My Research
Academic Advising
Curriculum Vitae
About Me

Pre-Vet Club


Francis Marion University
Pre-Vet Club

(Established 2014)


Caitlin Erb E-mail
Vice-President Amy Kirby E-mail
Secretary Cameron Leyers E-mail
Treasurer Tamatha Barbeau E-mail
Faculty Advisor Tamatha Barbeau, Ph.D., Pre-Vet Coordinator E-mail

Club Officers: To keep up with SGA's Guidelines for Student Organizations please see the FMU's Student Organization Guide and Policy Handbook! It contains information about re-chartering the club each year, reserving rooms and facilities for club meetings and activites, submitting updated club reports when officer elections happen, downloading Fundraising Forms and Statement Reports, and other important club duties. If the club wants to plan an event on campus (fundraisers,invite speakers, or activities), put up posters around campus, get events listed in the campus paper, or place notices or advertisements on mass media open to the public, please consult the online Planning Events & Programs, Guidelines and Responsibilities. It is up to you to be familiar with rules, regulations, and procedures for club activities. If you ever have questions please ask the Associate Dean of Students, LaTasha Brand, or the Dean of Students, Teresa Ramey.

FMU Pre-Vet Facebook Page

• Thanks to our club officers (Caitlin, Amy Lee, andCameron) for attending the FMU Club Training session at 9am on Saturday Aug 29th! We learned a lot about keeping our club active and a good emissary for FMU's student leadership. Attending this meeting, and re-chartering our club for the year has ensured that this year we can access funds from Student Government Association (SGA) for some of our club activities. So when you see our officers - thank them!

• Many thanks to those that attended the Student Involvement Fair on Thursday Sep 3 from 1 - 4pm. Caitlin says there was a lot of interest in our club and about 30 people signed up at our booth. Booyah!

Our first Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday Sept 10th at 5pm in LSF 205. We will discuss what activities we want to hold this semester, come up with a schedule, and enjoy some light refreshments. Come with ideas! Also, we need to get going on club T-shirts this semester! See you there!

Our next Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday Sep 24th at 5pm in LSF 205. We will discuss more about club T-shirts, holding a fundraising car wash, and also having a campus-wide fundraiser called "Pie-a-Professor-for-Pets. We also need to figure out when and for which Humane Society to hold a Supply Drive.

• Volunteer to help at the Florence Area Humane Society Saturday Sep 26! Pre-Vet Club members are going to team up with Biology Club members to go help out, starting at 9 am(?). There is much we could do: walk dogs on the trail, socialize kittens and cats, help with cleaning, among other things. Come if you can!

• Guest Speaker from SNIP at our next meeting, Thur Oct 15, 5pm in LSF 202.
Come and enjoy pizza and our speaker from SNIP - the Spay and Neuter Intervention of the Pee Dee program in Florence. This is a wonderful program that provides low cost spay and neuter services to the public, area rescue groups, and shelters.

Update from this meeting. Thanks to all that came. Dr. Sarah Vindi Herron gave us a great overview of what SNIP does for the Pee Dee community. She also answered lots of questions about what it was like to apply for and go through veterinary school, as well as her insights into job satisfaction and finding what area of veterinary medicine is best for you.

Bake sale on Friday Oct 23 (11am - 1:00 pm) in the Founder's Hall Breezeway. We need volunteers to bake some goodies (or even buy some) to sell at the bake sale. We also need members to volunteer to sit at the tables during the event. This bake sale will be Halloween-themed!

Club Meeting on Thursday Oct 29th, 5:30 in LSF 205. We will discuss the Supply Drive and Pie-a-Professor event, get volunteers lined up for those events, and hopefully know more about our club T-shirts! Please come! This is the point in the semester where we need your help and involvement.

• Supply Drive for the Darlington Humane Society! Oct 2 - Nov 6th. We did great at this semester's supply drive!

A list of supplies collected:

27 bags dry dog food 2 bottles laundry detergen
33 cans dog food 10 bottles hand sanitizer
12 bags dry cat food 23 toys (dog and cat)
29 cans cat food 15 blankets
10 bags "treats" a lot of towels & sheets
2 small crates/carriers 6 bags cotton swabs/cotton balls
2 plush pet beds lots sharpies, post-it notes
10 leashes, collars various office supplies
2 bottles bleach 46 rolls paper towels
9 bottles chlorox wipes

YOWZA!!! How much do we love the folks at the Pre-Vet Club at local Francis Marion University?? I think a lot!! ...

Posted by DarlingtonCountyhs Rescue on Sunday, November 22, 2015

• Pie a Professor for Pets Event! - Thursday Nov 5th 3:00 - 5:00pm. Our event was a success! We raised $258 for the Darlington Humane Society, and it was a blast! Click the image below for a link to pictures from the event and see YouTube video below!

Professors took pies in the face to support the Darlington County Humane Society. The event was sponsored by the Pre-Vet Club

Posted by Francis Marion University on Thursday, November 5, 2015

• Club meeting on Thursday Nov 12 at 5:30pm in LSF 205.

• Bake sale on Friday Nov 13 (11am - 1:00pm) in the Founder's Hall Breezeway. We need volunteers to bake some goodies (or even buy some) to sell at the bake sale. We also need members to volunteer to sit at the tables during the event.

• Club meeting on Thursday Dec 3rd at 5pm in LSF 205. This is our last meeting of the semester. Please come to review our club's awesome activities for the semester, and plan for next semester.

Click above for Club Activities and Meetings in Fall 2014

Click above for Club Activities and Meetings in Spring 2015

Club Constitution

Free Counters

Written by Tamatha Barbeau, 2004. This web site is for educational purposes; if you own an image on this site and would like it removed or used with permission, or if you have comments, corrections, or suggestions, please contact me.