Tamatha Barbeau, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology

Coordinator: Pre-Veterinary Program
Coordinator: Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)

Human Physiology (Biol 236)

Human Anatomy (Biol 205)
Biology of Sex (Biol 213)
Senior Seminar (Biol 499)
Pre-Veterinary Program
PURE Program
My Research
Academic Advising
Curriculum Vitae
About Me

Pre-Vet Club

Francis Marion University
Pre-Vet Club

(Established 2014)


Desiree Jones E-mail
Vice-President Tyler Wright E-mail
Secretary Bre'Anah Davis E-mail and Kendal Berry E-mail
Treasurer Tamatha Barbeau E-mail
Public Affairs Officer Elizabeth Floyd E-mail
Faculty Advisor Tamatha Barbeau, Ph.D., Pre-Vet Coordinator E-mail

Club Officers: To keep up with SGA's Guidelines for Student Organizations please see the FMU's Student Organization Guide and Policy Handbook! It contains information about re-registering the club each year, reserving rooms and facilities for club meetings and activites, submitting updated club reports when officer elections happen, downloading the fundraiser form, and other important club duties. If the club wants to plan an event on campus (fundraisers,invite speakers, or activities), put up posters around campus, get events listed in the campus paper, or place notices or advertisements on mass media open to the public, please consult the online Planning Events & Programs, Guidelines and Responsibilities, and fill out space reques and service request forms (available in Bio office). It is up to you to be familiar with rules, regulations, and procedures for club activities. If you ever have questions please ask the Associate Dean of Students, LaTasha Brand, or the Dean of Students, Teresa Ramey.

FMU Pre-Vet Facebook Page
(Francis Marion Prevet)
Twitter = @FMU_Prevet_club
Instagram = FMU_Prevet

Fall 2018 Club Activities:

1st Club meeting, Thu Sep 6th - LSF 202 4:45 pm. Click HERE for meeting minutes.

Club dues ($10) are due by Sep 28th! You can give them to Dr. Barbeau, or club officers (email contacts found above). These dues help fund activities like zoo trips or other things (like club t-shirts).

2nd club meeting scheduled for Thu Sep 27th at 4:45pm in LSF 202. We have a guest speaker! ! Ms. Kathy McCoy and her service/companion puppy-in-training "Edna" will come to talk with us about training dogs for Companion Animal and Service Dogs. (I've med Edna - she's adorable!) Click HERE for flyer.

We have planned these activities for the semester.
FMU needs your help with Campus Cat Colony Care (C4). Board of Directors (Darryl Bridges) and Kayla Wilson have asked Pre-Vet club members for help. They need volunteers, especially for on-campus students, to help them feed the campus cat colony and keep an eye out for any cats that look like they need help or veterinary care (like injuries, eye infections, etc...) Volunteers just need to make sure the food and water dispensors are filled every day, especially on weekends. If you can help, contact Dr. Barbeau or club officers. An email was sent out to club members regarding this. Click HERE for flyer.

Can Drive for the Darlington County Humane Society (DCHS) Bridge Program Sep 28th - Nov - 30th. We're collaborating with Bio, Chem, & Green Clubs to put out cardboard collections boxes around campus for people to bring in their aluminum drink cans. If you have cardboard boxes please bring them it (contact Club Officers - see email links above) to see where to bring them. Also contact officers if you can help decorate them with flyers and put them around campus! Click HERE to see flyer.

Food Drive for the Florence Area Humane Society (FAHS) Sep 28th - Nov 30th. DAHS contacted US (the Pre-Vet Club) about it's need for cat & dog food (both kitten & puppy). If you can help decorate boxes, and/or help distribute them to campus locations it would help A LOT! Contact club officers. Click HERE to see flyer.

Mole Day Fundraiser for DCHS on Tue Oct 23rd. We are collaborating with the ACS (Chem club) to help raise money for DCHS Bridge Program. If you can help on this day, contact club officers. We need to get students & faculty excited to attend our event, so SPREAD THE WORD to friends & faculty. Click HERE for flyer.

If you are artistically-abled, we would love for you to submit ideas for a new club t-shirt! Contact club officers. Here is what last year's student-designed t-shirt looked like.

What else do we want to do this semester??? Schedule a zoo trip, kayaking trip? Something else? Bring your ideas to our next meeting (Thu Sep 27th 4:45pm in LSF 202.

Click the links below to see Club activities from previous semesers. We've been busy!

Pre-Vet Club Spring 2018 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Fall 2017 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Spring 2017 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Fall 2016 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Spring 2016 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Fall 2015 Activities

Pre-Vet Club Spring 2015 Activites

Pre-Vet Club Fall 2014 Activites

Club Constitution

Free Counters

Written by Tamatha Barbeau, 2004. This web site is for educational purposes; if you own an image on this site and would like it removed or used with permission, or if you have comments, corrections, or suggestions, please contact me.